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Senior Elderly Couple help support together after retirement, Husband wife person take care each other walk with walker device.
Senior Elderly Couple help support together after retirement, Husband wife person take care each other walk with walker device.

Elderly/Special Needs and Disasters

People with disability should take extra precautions when preparing for a disaster. Make sure there is someone you can call on such as a neighbor, etc.
When planning for the care of the elderly and those with special needs, please consider the following recommendations:
Establish a close network of relatives and friends who can assist your family in an emergency.
Make sure neighbors or helpers know where to find your disaster kit, medicines, etc.
Wear a medical alert tag or bracelet.

Compose a list of special items and have ready for an emergency such as in your kit;
Prosthetic devices
List of style and serial numbers of medical devices
Extra eye glasses and a record of prescriptions
Extra oxygen
Extra pillows, bedding
Medical insurance, cards, etc. Backup power supplies or generators Manual wheelchair
Hearing aids, batteries

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